Palestrante e/ou Coordenador
Aquele que faz história no TDC

Calebe Bianchini

Calebe Bianchini
Mackenzie University

Calebe P. Bianchini received the M.Sc. degree in computer science from UFSCar, Brazil, in 2002, and the Ph.D. degree in computer engineering from USP, Brazil, in 2009. He has been involved in a variety of projects in the last 18 years. Most of them are research and development projects in the HPC field, such as Intel Parallel Computing Center. He is currently involved in MackCloud Project, which is a Scientific Computer Center at the Mackenzie Presbyterian University. He is also an Associate Professor at this university leading small in-house projects in HPC and software engineering. His current research interests include HPC and cloud computing.

Palestras deste(a) palestrante

Evento Trilha Data Palestra
TDC 2020 São Paulo Online TRILHA DEVTEST 25/08/2020 IA aplicado em Testes - você está preparado?