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Manoela Reis

Manoela Reis

I am a technique in Digital Games by NAVE - Advanced Nucleus in Education of Rio de Janeiro and I am currently studying biomedical computer science at USP of Ribeirão Preto. I have experience in programming in various languages as C # and Python. I worked at the Company Poli Júnior as a developer of systems for managing companies and hybrid applications for mobile devices. I have several articles published in national and international congresses with issues related to technology applied in education and health. I participated in various hackathons, getting 1st place with my team in three of them. Even though I have a Dev background, I love management and at the moment I act as Product Manager at HealthTech ICLINIC.

Palestras deste(a) palestrante

Evento Trilha Data Palestra
TDC 2022 BUSINESS TRILHA CARREIRA E MENTORIA SEGUNDA 22/08/2022 Primeiro a faculdade e só depois a carreira? Bora hackear essa estrutura!
TDC 2021 FUTURE CAREER AND MENTORING TRACK INTERNATIONAL 01/12/2021 Hackathon: Mixing new perspectives of careers, innovation and product management through tech marathons
TDC 2021 TRANSFORMATION TRILHA MANAGEMENT 3.0 E GESTÃO ÁGIL 24/08/2021 Gerenciando Bugs com Eficiência: Como melhorar em mais de 90% a rapidez de solução de defeitos graves em uma startup de saúde